Over 90,000 people - mortality in Belarus during the COVID-19 pandemic. That's roughly how many lives the virus will claim between 2020 and 2022. This is one of the most horrifying statistics in the history of the Republic of Belarus as a state.
How did we get this number
Official statistics on birth and death rates in the Republic of Belarus stopped being published in May 2020. The real situation with birth rate, mortality, and the outflow of the working population from the country is so terrible that officials keep it secret from the people.
However, Cyberpartisans have obtained databases on all deceased citizens of Belarus up to 2024 with official causes of death. Thanks to this, we have established the real statistics of deaths during the COVID-19 pandemic in Belarus.
According to the Belstat data, from 2014 to 2020 on average in the whole country 10,000 people died per month, that's 120,000 per year. We checked these figures by counting the number of people who died in 2018-2019.

Thus, when summarizing the statistics, we conditionally took as excess mortality all indicators above 10 thousand per month.
The data on the total number of deaths in the Republic of Belarus for each month from 2020 to 2022 are presented in the graphs below.

Hence, the excess mortality in Belarus for the period 2020-22 was more than 90,000.
We have also summarized the total mortality statistics for several years from 2018 to 2023. These data illustrate an increase in mortality in 2020-21, coinciding with the coronavirus pandemic, and a return to lower rates in 2022-2023.

90 000 deaths is the result of Lukashenko's cowardice in denying the epidemic problem in favour of his supposed “popularity” while the whole world was fighting COVID. But all this is not only on the dictator's conscience. It is also the fault of all those who are trying to create an illusion of stability in the country under a “strong householder” according to the old Soviet methodology. All those employees of state agencies who know but hide the truth from the people and continue to work for the tyrant. Such people think that the system protects them. But the truth is, we already know their secrets. And each of them by name.
How many Belarusians have been diagnosed with coronavirus as the cause of death?
Since doctors in Belarus were often forbidden to diagnose COVID-19 as the official cause of death during the pandemic, documents reflected this restriction. We did not focus on this indicator to determine the real mortality from coronavirus. But for statistical purposes, we give the number of people who were diagnosed as the official cause of death:
B34.2 Coronavirus infection unspecified
B97.2 Coronaviruses as a cause of diseases classified in other headings

Data transfer for research
Cyber partisans are providing databases on deceased persons in the Republic of Belarus (without sensitive personal data) for research to the Belarus Medical Solidarity Foundation ByMedSol.
We hope that the detailed analysis of the specialists will help to clarify the picture of the real mortality rate in the Republic of Belarus, which is still carefully hidden by the Lukashenko regime from Belarusians.
By the way, earlier we have already published partial statistics on real mortality in the Republic of Belarus during the COVID epidemic. With the updated data, these statistics can now be presented in a more comprehensive manner.